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Wicked Solutions was founded in 2008 in West Palm Beach, FL [originally named Symbiosis]. Wicked Solutions currently has offices in Abu Dhabi + West Palm Beach, FL.

Performative Microforests, Giancarlo Mangone, Symbiosis
Aesthetics of Sustainable Architecture, Giancarlo Mangone, Symbiosis, Giancarlo Mangone, Symbiosis

Dr. Giancarlo Mangone_M. Arch.




Current Practice || Dr. Giancarlo Mangone, M. Arch, is currently principal of Wicked Solutions [formerly named Symbiosis]. Dr. Mangone is also Head of Strategic Master Planning at ADNOC, where he leads the strategic planning and implementation of all assets owned by the national corporation, ADNOC. This includes the expansion of the Ruwais region, a critical national economy driver for the UAE, in ways that drive innovative and resilient business development, win-win investments, and foster world class livability and sustainability.


Critical Skills || Giancarlo Mangone is internationally recognized for his unique interdisciplinary expertise in designing and implementing communities, strategies, and assets that maximize their socio-economic + sustainability performance potential, in ways that achieve aspirational client objectives practically + within budget. Implemented solutions have achieved world leading performance targets in diverse performance categories, often simultaneously and co-dependently, including: reducing municipal, business, and residence costs; economic, business, and industrial development; affordability; livability; circular economy; climate and disaster resilience; nature regeneration and community and economy integration.

Scope || Dr. Mangone works across all key regional stakeholders to deliver resilient solutions that generate otherwise unobtainable results, including municipalities, communities, research institutions, corporations, non-profits, and other key stakeholders. He has worked on award winning, industry leading projects across every inhabited continent in the world.

Professional Collaborations || Dr. Mangone regularly collaborates with innovative strategy, design, engineering, and development firms, such as William McDonough + Partners, Schmidt Hammer Lassen, Buro Happold, AECOM, Ken Yeang, and Mecanoo Architecten, and research centers and communities throughout the world, including ECOSUR in Mexico (equitable+environmental community development), CEN in Nicaragua (cloud forest and community resoration), and the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro's Faculty of Architecture & Urbanism (low income community circular economy driven development).


Research || Dr. Mangone donates a minimum of 10% of his workhours to research development. His current design research is focused on investigating the maximum sustainability, livability, and affordability potential of communities, and the maximum contribution potential of design and planning. His research spans both scientific research studies and implementation case studies, collaborating with passionate academic researchers, communities, and professional experts across diverse disciplines, in order to develop a deeper understanding of potential opportunities and solutions than professional projects and timelines permit.

Awards || Giancarlo's research and projects results in scientific journal and professional industry publicatoins, national and international exhibitions, competition wins, and keynote speeches, and invitations to international Editorial Boards and Technical Committees, including the Korea Forestry Service, City of Jakarta, Institute of Sustainable Urbanism at TU Braunschweig, EU Circular Economy Implementation Potential at Dubai Expo 2020, Canadian Museum of Nature, Seoul Bieennale 2021, Sainsbury Center for Visual Arts, UK; University of Syndey, Federal University of Rio Dde Janeiro .




         _Doctor of Philosophy in Architecture [PhD]_Delft University of Technology

         _Master of Architecture_University of Virginia

         _Bachelors of Architecture_University of Florida_Summa Cum Laude


_Book + Book Chapter Publications


     _Giancarlo Mangone, “Nature Integrated Hybrid Infrastructure: Maximizing the potential role of urban nature in

            generating circular economy communities” in Circularity, by 2050?, Edited by Peter Luscuere, Delft, The 

            Netherlands : TU Delft Open


      _Giancarlo Mangone. Performative Microforests: Investigating the potential benefits of integrating spatial vegetation                 environments into buildings, in regards to the performance of buildings, their occupants + local ecosystems.

           A+BE | Architecture and the Built Environment 10. TU Delft, 2015 


      _Giancarlo Mangone, Patrick Teuffel, “Constructing Sensuous Ecologies : Looking beyond the energy + carbon  

          efficiency arguments” in Aesthetics of Sustainable Architecture, Edited by Sang Lee, Rotterdam, The Netherlands :

          010 Publishers     [A book chapter proposing an innovative_performance based_sensuous design process]


_Recent Journal_Conference_Industry Article Publications


_Giancarlo Mangone “Exploring urban design strategies that maximize the benefits  of urban nature for children’s well-

           being”, Ecopsychology, Vol. 10 Issue 4, 2018. p. 216-227

_Giancarlo Mangone, Raylene Dopko, John Zelenski,  “Deciphering landscape preferences: Investigating the roles of 

            familiarity and biome types”, Landscape & Urban Planning, Vol. 214, 2021

_Giancarlo Mangone, “Constructing hybrid infrastructure: Exploring the potential ecological, social, and economic benefits  

         of integrating municipal infrastructure into constructed environments”, Cities, Vol. 55, 2016. p. 165-179  


_Giancarlo Mangone, Colin Capaldi, Zack van Allen, Peter Luscuere, “Bringing nature to work : Preferences and perceptions

        of constructed indoor and natural outdoor workspaces”, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2017   


_Giancarlo Mangone, Kees van der Linden “Forest Microclimates : Investigating the Performance Potential of Vegetation

        at the Building Space Scale”, Building and Environment, Vol. 73,  2014. p. 12 – 23    


_Giancarlo Mangone, Stanley Kurvers, Peter Luscuere, “Constructing Thermal Comfort : Investigating the Effect of                           Vegetation on Indoor Thermal Comfort through a Four Season Thermal Comfort Quasi-Experiment”, Building and

        Environment, Vol. 81,  2014. p. 410–426   


_Giancarlo Mangone. Peter Luscuere “Microforest HVAC : Investigating the performance potential of quality based

        climate systems”  TVVL Magazine, The Netherlands. June 2013



_Partners, Giancarlo Mangone, Symbiosis, Giancarlo Mangone, Symbiosis

_Mechanical Engineering                              _Landscape Architecture, Giancarlo Mangone, Symbiosis, Giancarlo Mangone, Symbiosis
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